
Magnetically treated water (MTW) is water passed through a magnetic field before being used. Applications of MTW are abundant in industry where it is used to prevent scaling on inner walls of pipes conveying fluids, especially water. In recent years scientists investigating the subject have concluded that the magnetic field interacts with the surface charges of particles in the fluid solutions affecting the crystallisation and precipitation of the solids in them. These processes are of significant effect on the translocation of minerals in irrigated soil.In this work the concentrations of K, N, P, Na and Ca+Mg, as well as the total mineral content in the MTW—irrigated soil were compared with the same data in soil irrigated with ordinary water. The soil was sampled at three different locations at three different distances from the dripper line, representing three different leaching states of the soil. Differences in concentrations were found in at least one of the three locations with respect to each mineral and including the total mineral content. Most of the differences appeared in the less leached parts of the soil, in the bed margin. It appears that there is a general tendency of minerals to precipitate out of the solution faster in MTW conditions.