
With the great interest in orb webs and their makers at the present time (Witt, et al, 1968; Witt, ed., 1969) any observations on webs and habits of orb weavers of genera other than the ones (Araneus, Zygiella, Argiope and Uloborus) used currently by experimenters are of interest.Although spiders of the genus Gea are widespread, with species in the subtropics and tropics around the world, no studies of life history or careful web observations of any species of Gea have been made. Since Gea is believed related to the much larger Argiope (Levi, 1968), it was of interest to see whether Gea species have similar habits, as resting in the center of the web and building a stabilimentum (a zigzag swatch of silk above and below the hub), and whether they made a similar eggcase. Levi (1968) reviews our limited knowledge of Gea as follows: the web is vertical with a dense viscid spiral and apparently without a stabilimentum; it is probably made in low vegetation and the spider drops from it when slightly disturbed.