Research Article

Pheromone Production, Attraction, and Interspecific Inhibition among Four Species of Ips Bark Beetles in the Southeastern USA

Figure 2

GC chromatograms from GC-MS analyses of I. pini male hindgut extracts at different overwintering/diapause status. αP: α-pinene; Cam: camphene; βP: β-pinene; Lim: limonene; βPh: β-phellandrene; Id: ipsdienol; cv: cis-verbenol; tP: trans-pinocarveol; tV: trans-verbenol; Bor: borneol; MTO: oxygenated monoterpenes; Mt: myrtenol; Ger: geraniol; tM: trans-myrtanol; EM: E-myrcenol; Pa: perilla alcohol; Ln: lanierone; PE: 2-phenyl ethanol *: internal quantification standard, heptyl acetate (C7Ac) amount varies between sample—see the following. (a) Late fall; in diapauses, 5 males; C7Ac is 100 ng. (b) Overwintering, cut out of bolts; 8 males; C7Ac is 1000 ng. (c) Overwintering, cut out of bolts, on new bolts 48 hrs; 5 males; C7Ac is 1000 ng. (d) Overwintering, cut out of bolts, on new bolts 96 hrs; 10 males; C7Ac is 1000 ng.