Research Article

Reproductive Biology, Mating Behavior, and Vibratory Communication of the Brown-Winged Stink Bug, Edessa meditabunda (Fabr.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)

Table 3

Temporal and spectral characteristics of male and female songs of Edessa meditabunda. Mean ± SD are show with the number of signals test ( ) and the number of insect tested ( ).

SongDuration (ms)Repetition time (ms)Dominant frequency (Hz)Bandwidth −20 dB (Hz)

MS11666,74 ± 147,38 (76/11)4590,09 ± 1834,26 (65/11)73,75 ± 2,60 (76/11)20,08 ± 4,77 (76/11)
MS2175,71 ± 83,91 (75/12)305,97 ± 210,92 (64/12)80,27 ± 5,68 (75/12)57,87 ± 19,39 (75/12)
FS1433,04 ± 78,81 (80/11)677,19 ± 104,48 (80/11)76,93 ± 5,82 (80/11)17,73 ± 7,29 (80/11)

MS1: male song 1, MS2: male song 2, FS1: females song 1.