Research Article

Nectar Meals of a Mosquito-Specialist Spider

Table 3

Number of Evarcha culicivora (juveniles and pooled data for adult females and males) that were positive for fructose (cold-anthrone testing) after being left with plants for 24 hours. Ranked from highest to lowest percentage positive for juveniles.

Plant speciesJuveniles positive for fructose
(% positive for fructose)
Adults positive for fructose
(% positive for fructose)
χ 2 Test for independence,

Lantana montevideo 39 of 45 (86.7%)0 of 29χ 2 = 53.139, P < 0.001
Lantana camara 155 of 195 (79.5%)0 of 109χ 2 = 176.771, P < 0.001
Clerodendron magnifica 43 of 62 (69.3%)0 of 31χ 2 = 39.990, P < 0.001
Striga asiatica 26 of 43 (60.5%)0 of 25χ 2 = 24.474, P < 0.001
Ricinus communis 85 of 140 (60.7%)16 of 83 (19.3%)χ 2 = 36.106, P < 0.001
Leonotis nepetaefolia 44 of 81 (54.3%)4 of 68 (5.9%)χ 2 = 39.719, P < 0.001
Verbena trivernia 75 of 149 (50.3%)0 of 24χ 2 = 21.326, P < 0.001
Senna didymobotrya 38 of 77 (49.3%)0 of 61χ 2 = 41.543, P < 0.001
Aloe vera 68 of 184 (37.0%)1 of 77 (1.3%)χ 2 = 35.490, P < 0.001
Parthenium hysterophorus 51 of 154 (33.6%)0 of 89χ 2 = 37.303, P < 0.001
Hamelia patens 26 of 85 (30.6%)0 of 26χ 2 = 10.386, P = 0.001