Research Article

Urban Infestation Patterns of Argentine Ants, Linepithema humile, in Los Angeles

Table 1

Summary statistics using Spearman rank correlations ( -values) and Kruskal-Wallis tests ( values). For the Kruskal-Wallis tests , , and refer to number of gardens with predominant groundcover of bushes, grass or ivy, respectively.

Garden size and ant density -value value

All months −0.377 NS12
Hot months (>21°C) 0.252 NS8
Cold months (<21°C) −0.693 NS4
Wet months (>1 cm) −0.898 NS8
Dry months (<1 cm) 1.386 NS4

Garden type and ant density value valueb, g, i

All months0.526NS3, 3, 6
Hot months (>21°C)0.717NS1, 2, 5
Cold months (<21°C)0.300NS2, 1, 1
Wet months (>1 cm)0.125NS2, 2, 4
Dry months (<1 cm)2.700NS1, 1, 2

Infestations and ant density -value value

Hot months (>21°C) −0.598 NS8
Cold months (<21°C) 1.126 NS4
Wet months (>1 cm) 1.606 NS8
Dry months (<1 cm) −0.693 NS4

Infestations and garden type value valueb, g, i

All months0.606NS3, 4, 7
Hot, dry months (>21°C, <1 cm)0.366NS3, 4, 7
Cold, dry months (<21°C, <1 cm)0.008NS3, 4, 7
Hot, wet months (>21°C, >1 cm)0.733NS3, 4, 7
Cold, wet months (<21°C, <1 cm)1.168NS3, 4, 7

Infestations and garden size -value value

All months −2.104 0.035412
Hot, dry months (>21°C, <1 cm) −1.853 0.063812
Cold, dry months (<21°C, <1 cm) −1.525 NS12
Hot, wet months (>21°C, >1 cm) −2.104 0.035412
Cold, wet months (<21°C, <1 cm) −2.299 0.021512