Research Article

Bacterial Infections across the Ants: Frequency and Prevalence of Wolbachia, Spiroplasma, and Asaia

Figure 3

Phylogenetic tree of Asaia-related symbionts associated with ants and closest relatives with sequence data available in GenBank. A maximum likelihood phylogeny of the 16S rRNA region of bacterial symbionts is shown. The host name is given together with the GenBank accession number (GenBank sequences) or collection code (sequences generated in the present study). The branch color refers to the source from which the bacteria were isolated with yellow representing ant hosts and red other insect hosts. The inner circle refers to the ant subfamily, and the middle circle refers to the bioregion from which samples were collected. The outer circle indicates three clades (Clades 1–3), which contained several ant-associated symbionts. Wolbachia pipientis was used as an outgroup.