Clinical Study

Impact of Substance Use Disorder on Presentation and Short-Term Course of Schizophrenia

Table 1

Sociodemographic variables of schizophrenia patients with substance use disorder (Group 1) and without substance use disorder (Group 2).

Variables Group 1 ( ) Mean ± s.d. Group 2 ( ) Mean ± s.d. SigCI Lower boundCI Upper bound

Age in years 2.3050.0230.4505.88
Education years −0.7360.463−2.1560.99
Total duration of illness in days 1.5630.120−130.401115.10
Duration of untreated illness in days 2.1900.03057.2461119.81
Age of onset in years 1.4920.138−0.6284.49
CPZ equivalent antipsychotic dose in mg/day −0.2890.773−57.72033.81
Number of suicidal attempts 0.0350.972−0.15210.157

CI: confidence interval; “ ”: statistic; degree of freedom = 141.