Clinical Study

Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Pilot Study of D-Cycloserine in Chronic Stroke

Table 2

ANOVA table for (a) time, (b) treatment group, and (c) time × treatment interaction for A-prime, reaction time, DETECT -score, grip strength, BBT, CES-D, and SIS categories. There was a significant main effect of time on reaction time, DETECT -score, grip strength of the affected hand, and CES-D score. There was a significant main effect of treatment group on grip strength of the unaffected hand only. There was a significant time × treatment group interaction for SIS overall stroke recovery rating only.
(a) Repeated measures ANOVA (per visit) across all subjects


Reaction time10.7650.0070.0140.495
DETECT -score7.0260.0260.0500.438
Grip strength, affected hand19.8390.0010.0020.643
Grip strength, unaffected hand5.3310.0410.0780.326
BBT, affected hand0.0220.8841.6700.002
BBT, unaffected hand4.8160.0510.0960.305
CES-D score6.3300.0290.0540.365
Stroke Impact Scale Category
 Hand function5.3250.0410.0780.326
 Stroke recovery0.9710.3460.6230.081

(b) Repeated measures ANOVA (per group)


Reaction time0.3160.5861.1060.028
DETECT -score0.0001.0001.8890.000
Grip strength, affected hand1.4930.2470.4670.120
Grip strength, unaffected hand8.4070.0140.0260.433
BBT, affected hand0.0430.8401.5870.004
BBT, unaffected hand0.3080.5901.1150.027
CES-D score2.9880.1120.2110.214
Stroke Impact Scale Category
 Hand function0.2110.6551.2370.019
 Stroke recovery2.9090.1660.2990.209

(c) Repeated measures ANOVA (time × group interaction) across all subjects


Reaction time0.3160.5861.1060.028
DETECT -score0.6330.4470.8440.066
Grip strength, affected hand4.6020.0550.1040.295
Grip strength, unaffected hand2.0600.1790.3380.158
BBT, affected hand0.5570.4710.8900.048
BBT, unaffected hand2.5850.1360.2570.190
CES-D score0.2160.6511.2300.019
Stroke Impact Scale Category
 Hand function0.1090.7481.4130.010
 Stroke recovery9.3910.0110.0200.461