Research Article

The Impact of Diagnosis on Job Retention: A Danish Registry-Based Cohort Study

Table 3

Degree of employment (employment time ratio) in the flex job scheme before disability pension for different diagnoses stratified for employment status at baseline.

Total Study group 1 Study group 2
Rheumatoid arthritisSpine disordersIschemic heart diseaseFunctional disorders
= 72,629
Proportion (95% CI)
= 329
Proportion (95% CI)
= 10,120
Proportion (95% CI)
= 2179
Proportion (95% CI)
= 1765
Proportion (95% CI)

Overall 0.74 [0.74–0.74]0.82 [0.79–0.85]0.74 [0.74–0.75]0.76 [0.75–0.78]0.73 [0.71–0.74]
Flex job holders0.84 [0.84–0.85]0.91 [0.89–0.94]0.86 [0.85–0.86]0.87 [0.86–0.88]0.86 [0.84–0.87]
Unemployment benefit recipients0.47 [0.46–0.47]0.51 [0.43–0.59]0.49 [0.48–0.50]0.40 [0.36–0.43]0.46 [0.43–0.49]

Employment time ratio: number of weeks in the flex job scheme for each diagnostic group divided by the total observation time.