Research Article

A Pulmonary Rehabilitation Decisional Score to Define Priority Access for COPD Patients

Table 1

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Decisional Score (PRDS).


Age, years≤5960–74≥75
BMI, Kg/m221–2425–30≤20 or ≥31
FEV1% pred.≥65%36–64%≤35%
Dyspnea, MRC score (0–4)0-1=2≥3
6MWT, meters≥350≤349 and ≥250≤249
CAT score≤910–15≥16
Comorbidities011 if cardiac/neurological or >1
Activity of daily lifeNormalLimitedBedridden/wheelchair-restricted
Severe exacerbations in the last year01>1
Hospitalizations in the last year00, but 1 ER access>0 or 2 ER access instances
Smoking statusNonsmokerEx-smokerCurrent smoker
Physical activity (cyclette, walking, steps)>4 h/week2–4 h/week<2 h/week
Subjective wellbeingVery well/goodPoorbad
DepressionNo medicationsOccasional medicationsUnder chronic therapy
AnxietyNo medicationsOccasional medicationsUnder chronic therapy
Care need and availabilityNot necessaryUseful and available full timeUseful but available on spot or unavailable
Adherence to medications/oxygenFullNot constantPoor/refusal to comply

FEV1 = forced expiratory volume at first second; MRC = Medical Research Council; ER = emergency room; W = week; BMI = body mass index; CAT = COPD Assessment Tool; 6MWT = 6-min walking test. Consensus was considered when more than 75% of the respondents (a) rated each item as mandatory to be inserted in the score when considered “important” and/or “very important” and (b) agreed to each item’s grading from 0 = minimum to 2 = maximum priority indication for PR. Exacerbation was defined as “an event requiring antibiotics and/or oral steroids as prescribed by specialist or patient’s GP.”