Research Article

Stereoscopic Visualization of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data: A Comparative Survey of Visualization Techniques

Figure 1

For comparison, the principal eigenvectors are presented in (grayscale (GSFA) map, color coded orientation view (CCOM), and headless arrow view ( )). (a) GSFA. The intensity represents the FA value while no directional information is given. (b) CCOM. In the color coded orientation view, which is commonly seen in today’s DTI literature, blue color represents the craniocaudal (in-out of paper) direction, red represents the left-right direction, and green represents the anterior-posterior (up-down) direction. The mixed colors represent directions somewhere in between. The intensity of color represents the FA value. (c) map. In the stereoscopic view, eigenvectors’ directional information is presented intuitively as headless arrows in 3D stereoscopically and colors represent the FA values.