Review Article

MR Neurography: Advances

Figure 3

(a) Limitation of 3D anatomic nonselective MRN-Axial T2 SPAIR image through the upper calf shows amputation neuromas of tibial nerve (large arrow) and common peroneal nerve (small arrow). (b) Limitation of 3D anatomic nonselective MRN-Sagittal reconstruction from a 3D SPAIR SPACE sequence in the same case shows the abnormal tibial nerve in its long axis (smaller arrow) with an end-bulb neuroma (large arrow). However, there is suboptimal depiction due to hyperintense vascular signal contamination (medium arrows). (c) 3D anatomic nerve selective MRN-Sagittal reconstruction from a 3D DW PSIF sequence in the same case selectively shows the abnormal tibial nerve in its long axis (small arrows) with an end-bulb neuroma (large arrow).