Research Article

Cell Senescence in Myxoid/Round Cell Liposarcoma

Table 2

Antibodies used for immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence.


IL8RβSC-238111 : 50PH6
RBL2SC-536411 : 50PH9
RB1BD #55441361 : 20PH9
TP53Calbio.OP43A1 : 100
CCNA NM MS1061-S11 : 15
P21Millipore OP64 1 : 25
P15SC-563271 : 20
HP1γMillipore 05-6901 : 100PH6
KI67Dako IR-6261 : 1PH6

SC: SantaCruz Biotechnology; BD: Becton Dickinson and Company; Calbio: calbiochem; NM: neomarker; epitope retrievement was performed at indicated PH by boiling for 5 minutes.