Research Article

Multiple Soft Tissue Sarcomas in a Single Patient: An International Multicentre Review

Table 1

Case series: patient demographics and outcomes.

PatientAgeGenderFirst tumour typeLocationSecond tumour typeLocationRadiotherapy (1st or 2nd)Time between diagnoses (months)Diagnosis to last f/u (months)Status at last f/u

128MPseudomyogenic hemangioendotheliomaR 5th metatarsalMyxoid liposarcomaR poplitealYes (2)16NED
260MPleomorphic liposarcomaL groinEpitheliod hemangioendotheliomaL thigh and calfYes (1)2832NED
367FFibrosarcomaR forearmUndifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomaL buttockYes (1)41137NED
449MEpithelioid sarcomaL thumbMyxoid liposarcomaL poplitealYes (2)5125NED
567MUndifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomaR calfMalignant solitary fibrous tumourR ankleYes (2)55155Deceased
638MMalignant solitary fibrous tumourL thighUndifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomaR chest wallYes (1 + 2)3660NED

M = male; F = female; R = right; L = left; 1 = radiotherapy for the first sarcoma; 2 = radiotherapy for the second sarcoma; NED = no evidence of disease; f/u = follow-up.