Review Article

A Critical Review of the Impact of Sarcoma on Psychosocial Wellbeing

Table 5

Comparison between different types of surgery1.

First authorComparator2Quality of life3Domains3Mental healthSelf-worthOthers

Sugarbaker et al. [94]AMP vs. LSS=
Weddington et al. [102]AMP vs. LSS=
Postma et al. [80]AMP vs. LSS===
Rougraff et al. [86]AMP vs. LSS vs. hip disarticulation=
Christ et al. [36]AMP vs. LSS=
Davis et al. [41]AMP vs. LSS4PF
Hillmann et al. [56]Rotationplasty vs. LSS+Role
Eiser et al. [44]AMP vs. LSS=4=body image
Nagarajan et al. [69]AMP vs. LSS=
Zahlten-Hinguranage et al. [107]AMP vs. LSS==life satisfaction
Hoffmann et al. [59]Hip disarticulation vs. AMP vs. LSS5
Hopyan et al. [60]Rotationplasty, AMP vs. LSS=
Akahane et al. [28]Rotationplasty, AMP vs. LSS=
Ginsberg et al. [52]Rotationplasty, AMP vs. LSS=
Beck et al. [32]Internal vs. external hemipelvectomy=
Barrera et al. [30]AMP vs. LSS+=sexual function
Robert et al. [84]AMP vs. LSS===body image
=social support
Expósito Tirado et al. [45]AMP vs. LSS=
Barrera et al. [31]AMP vs. LSS=
Teall et al. [98]AMP vs. LSS=social support and benefit finding
Mason et al. [68]AMP vs. LSS
Bekkering et al. [108]AMP vs. LSSPCS

AMP: amputation; LSS: limb-sparing surgery; PCS: physical component score; PF: physical function. 1Minus (−): poorer in comparison; plus (+): better; equals (=): no difference. 2Direction of significance, i.e., better or worse, based on the first comparator, or the last time point if a longitudinal comparison. 3Result based on overall or summary scores; if these were not provided, result at domain score level was provided (QLQ-C30 functional scale only). 4Total and/or summary scores can be calculated with the measure used, but this was not reported. 5Text is unclear, and data presented in an appendix are no longer available.