Research Article

Free Vascularized Fibula Salvage of Failed CPH in Pediatric Sarcoma Patients

Table 3

Postoperative course and associated complications.

PatientPostoperative complicationsTreatment of complicationsReoperation detailsTotal # of associated reoperationsTime to osseous union (months)

1Lost Doppler signalReoperationVenous Doppler repositioninga14.6
HypotensionTransfusion of 1 pRBC

2Partial tissue necrosisConservative management02.9

3Skin paddle venous congestionReoperationSkin paddle resection with advancement flapb
Nonunion and fracturePlanned reoperation2

4Lost Doppler signalReoperationHematoma evacuation, flap vein thrombectomy and reanastomosis15.3

5Radial nerve palsyConservative management01.9

Lost to follow-up before undergoing reoperation and achieving evidence of osseus union. aExploration of the right arm fibula flap revealed venous Doppler shifted in position but artery and vein were patent on exploration. bExploration revealed thrombosis of tiny perforator vessels with widely patent flap vessels. Skin paddle resected using Bovie, and an anterior skin subcutaneous tissue advancement flap 15 × 6 cm for right arm closure.