Clinical Study

Hospitalisation Utilisation and Costs in Schizophrenia Patients in Finland before and after Initiation of Risperidone Long-Acting Injection

Table 3

Use of RLAI.

Variable Mean

Reasons for initiation to RLAI* (%)
 Adverse event: weight gain1773 (1.7%)
 Adverse event: extrapyramidal symptoms17714 (7.9%)
 Adverse event: other17711 (6.2%)
 Lack of efficacy17761 (34.5%)
 Relapse17747 (26.6%)
 Patient choice17726 (14.7%)
 Noncompliance177112 (63.3%)
Duration of RLAI use (days)177485.5 (SD 287.4)
range 0–936
RLAI persistence (proportion of patients known to continue therapy during)
 at least 6 months175134 (76.6%)
 at least 12 months172122 (70.9%)
 at least 18 months12887 (68.0%)
 at least 24 months6845 (66.2%)
Reasons for stopping RLAI* (%)
 Adverse event: weight gain662 (3.0%)
 Adverse event: extrapyramidal663 (4.5%)
 Adverse event: other6610 (15.2%)
 Lack of efficacy6623 (34.8%)
 Relapse662 (3.0%)
 Patient choice6622 (33.3%)
 Noncompliance6623 (34.8%)

*Multiple answers were allowed. Reduced sample size reflects follow-up durations.