Review Article

“Humanized” Stem Cell Culture Techniques: The Animal Serum Controversy

Table 1

Typical MSC characteristics (retention/loss) in various types of Media.

MSC characteristicsFoetal bovine serumChemically defined mediaHuman serumUmbilical cord blood serumHuman platelet lysate (HPL)/ platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

Adherence to plastic+ +1+2++

MorphologySpindle-shapedMore spindle-shapedSmaller and more spindle-shapedElongated and more spindle- shaped3Elongated and more spindle- shaped (hPL). Smaller cells in PRP

Surface antigen expression

CD105 +++++
CD73 +++++
HLA-DR +/− 4

Tri-lineage differentiation++5+6+7+

CFU-f efficiencyLarge and well spreadVaries with media componentsDensely packed. Mesh-like growth pattern in later passagesDensely packed larger colonies3Densely packed (hPL and PRP) Mesh-like growth pattern in later passages (PRP)

Doubling time76–89 hrs4

Cost and availabilityAvailable from certain countries, ~500 to 800 USD for 500ml.Commercially available, expensiveAvailable and cheaperAvailable and cheaperAvailable and cheaper

References[3, 4][5, 6][4, 79][4, 10][7, 1113]

*Effect on immunosuppressive property of hMSC [2].
NA: data not available.
1When adhesion factors are added.
2Decreases in later passages.
3 Author’s observation. Unpublished data.
4 Affected by the factors added in the medium.
5 Defined media for each specific differentiation are available.
6 Differentiation of hMSCs into osteoblasts was enhanced [4].
7 Enhanced differentiation of hMSCs into osteogenic lineage and suppressed adipogenesis also seen [10]. No data available for chondrogenic differentiation in UCBS-cultured MSCs.