Review Article

Ex Vivo Expansion of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Defined Serum-Free Media

Figure 1

Cultivation of primary human BM MNCs using different media including three commercial media. Cells were inoculated at 150,000 BM MNCs/cm2 into fibronectin-coated T-25 flasks, each containing 8 mL of Mesencult-XF (a), StemPro MSC SFM Xeno-Free (b), MSCGM-CD (c), and PPRF-msc6 (d), and a classical FBS medium (10% FBS DMEM) (e). After 60 h, nonadherent cells in each medium were removed, and fresh medium was added to the adherent cells (100% medium change). The adherent cells were allowed to grow for additional 10 days with 50% medium change every other day, and then stained with crystal violet to visualize colonies generated.