Research Article

Differences in the Gene Expression Profiles of Slow- and Fast-Forming Preinduced Pluripotent Stem Cell Colonies

Figure 3

wRMSD distributions of NGFP if-iPSC and 4F2A if-iPSC colonies relative to those of mESC colonies. (a) The distribution of weighted root mean square deviation (wRMSD) of individual colonies in each group. The deviation of each if-iPSC colony’s GEP from the mean GEP of each group was estimated using wRMSD. Numbers in parentheses denote mean standard deviation. The closer the wRMSD is to zero, the closer the GEP is to the mean GEP of its own group. (b) Relative wRMSD obtained by calculating the deviations of the gene expression in each NGFP if-iPSC and 4F2A if-iPSC colony from the mean GEP of the mESC group. Dashed red line in each panel indicates the mean wRMSD (0.143 0.037) of the mESC group as the reference. (c) Statistical difference between the groups. The values between different colony groups are indicated above (-test). The wRMSDs of individual colonies are shown as crosses together with a normal distribution curve on the left of each box plot. Box whiskers indicate the range from 5% to 95%.