Review Article

Cell-Based Therapies Used to Treat Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease: A Systematic Review of Animal Studies and Human Clinical Trials

Table 2

Studies assessing the ability of different types of stem cells or progenitor cells to regenerate lumbar intervertebral discs.

AuthorAnimal modelDegeneration modelCells transplantedMethod of cell administrationResults/conclusions

Crevensten et al. [38]RatNeedle punctureAllogeneic MSCsIntradiscal injection of MSCs with 15% hyaluronan gelMSCs:
(i) Trend towards increased disc height
(ii) Retained in disc, remain viable, and can proliferate for at least 28 days

Ganey et al. [39]CaninePartial nucleotomyNon culture expanded autologous adipose derived stem cellsIntradiscal injection with HATransplantation of adipose MSCs improved:
(i) MRI T2 signal at 12 months
(ii) Disc histology assessment
(iii) Increase collagen II expression

Ghosh et al. [40]SheepChondroitinase-ABC injectionAllogeneic Stro-3+ Mesenchymal Precursor Cells (MPCs)Injection with hyaluronic acid (Euflexxa) carrierMPCs + HA:
(i) Restore disc height
(ii) Improved MRI Pfirrmann scores
(iii) Improved histological degeneration scores
(iv) Restoration of extracellular matrix

Hee et al. [41]RabbitAxial loadingAllogeneic bone marrow MSCsInjection of MSCs combined with axial distraction(i) MSCs increase disc height and improve histology scores
(ii) MSCs Survive for 8 weeks

Henriksson et al. [42]Porcine, minipigNucleotomyXenogeneic Human MSCsXenotransplantation of hMSCs with Puramatrix hydrogel carrier or F12 media suspension. MSCs:
(i) Survive in pig disc space for 6 months
(ii) Differentiated into cells representing disc chondrocytes
(iii) Improved MRI appearance in MSC/hydrogel treatment groups
(iv) Combination of with Puramatrix hydrogel increased cell differentiation, matrix production and survival
(v) At three and six months expressed SOX9, aggrecan, and collagen II

Hiyama et al. [43]CanineNucleotomyAutologous MSCsPercutaneous injection of MSCs infected with AcGFP1 retrovirus vector. MSCs:
(i) Increased disc height and MRI T2 signal
(ii) Increased production of proteoglycans
(iii) Improved histological structure including AF
(iv) Proportion of FasL-positive cells increased following MSC injection

Ho et al. [44]RabbitPercutaneous needle punctureAutologous MSCsIntradiscal injection of BrdU-labelled MSCsMSCs:
(i) Found in disc at 16 weeks post injection
(ii) Discs injected at 6 months post nucleotomy less degenerate than controls but not returned to baseline
(iii) Increased PG in posterior inner annulus
(iv) Did not restore disc height
(v) Only partial arrest possible following administration and more effective at later point of degeneration

Hohaus et al. [30]CanineAnnular injury and partial nucleotomyAutologous adipose derived MSCs Intradiscal injectionAdipose MSCs
(i) Remain viable in disc
(ii) Maintain disc morphology, disc height, and MRI T2 signal
(iii) HA alone insufficient to prevent degeneration

Jeong et al. [45]RatAnnular injuryXenogeneic human MSCIntradiscal injectionMSCs:
(i) Maintain disc height and T2 signal
(ii) Restore AF structure
(iii) Survive for 2 weeks after injection but not 4 weeks

Jeong et al. [46]RatNeedle injectionXenogeneic adipose derived human MSCsIntradiscal injectionMSCs:
(i) Less loss of disc height following injection
(ii) Restore T2 MRI signal
(iii) Restore AF structure
(iv) Upregulate collagen 2 and aggrecan

Miyamoto et al. [47]RabbitNP aspirationAutologous synovial MSCsIntradiscal injectionMSCs:
(i) Identified in NP at 24 weeks
(ii) Preserve disc height
(iii) Preserve MRI T2 signal for 6 weeks
(iv) Preserve NP histological structure
(v) Increase expression of collagen-II

Murrell et al. [48]RatNP aspirationXenogeneic human olfactory neurosphere-derived stem cellsIntradiscal injection(i) 70% cells identified in discs
(ii) Cells assumed NP cell like phenotype

Omlor et al. [49]PorcinePartial nucleotomyAutologous Bone marrow MSCsInjection of MSCs transfected with Rv-eGFP within fibrin glue (i) After 3 days only 9% of injected cells remained in disc

Prologo et al. [50]PorcineNeedle biopsy of discXenogeneic human MSCsXenogenic percutaneous administration of iodine-124 2′-flouro-2′ –deoxy-1B-D-arabinofuranosyl-5-iodouracil –labeled hMSCs(i) PET-CT confirmed cells in NP on day 0 and day 3 following injection.
(ii) Immunohistological staining at 15 days confirmed presence of cells in treated discs

Sakai et al. [51]RabbitNucleotomy – NP aspiration.Autologous MSCsMSCs embedded in atelocollagen hydrogelMSCs:
(i) Preserved histological structure
(ii) Retained and proliferated in disc
(iii) Increased PGs on histological staining

Sakai et al. [52]RabbitNucleotomy – NP aspiration.Autologous bone marrow MSCsGFP labelled MSC injection(i) MSCs present in NP at up to 48 weeks
(ii) GFP positive cells expressed collagen II, aggrecan, suggesting site dependent differentiation
(iii) MSCs increased PG content of NP to baseline
(iv) Increased collagen II and aggrecan mRNA, decreased collagen I following MSC injection

Sakai et al. [53]RabbitNucleotomy – NP aspiration. Autologous bone marrow MSCsMSCs embedded in atelocollagen hydrogel(i) MSCs increased disc height and MRI T2 signal
(ii) MSCs preserve histological structure, including AF
(iii) Restoration of PGs suggested from immunohistochemistry and gene expression

Serigano et al. [54]CanineNP AspirationAutologous bone marrow MSCsIntradiscal injection(i) MSCs significantly increase DHI and MRI T2 signal
(ii) 106 and 107 cell doses showed improved NP and inner annular histological structure
(iii) 105 dose group had more degenerative changes
(iv) 106 dose group had less apoptosis than 105 or 107 groups
(v) 106 dose group had more live cells at 16 weeks compared to other groups

Sheikh et al. [55]RabbitNeedle punctureXenogeneic murine ESCs were cultured with cis-retinoic acid, transforming growth factor beta, ascorbic acid, and insulin-like growth factorIntradiscal injection(i) Discs treated with ESCs demonstrated increased population of new notochordal cells

Sobajima et al. [56]RabbitNormal discsAllogeneic MSCsInjection with MSCs retrovirally transfected with lacZ marker gene.(i) MSCs detected up to 24 weeks following transplantation.
(ii) No inflammatory response observed in discs following MSC injection
(iii) At 24 weeks more cells located in transition zone and inner AF, taking on more spindle shaped appearance
(iv) Synergism with NPCs and MSCs to increase GAG production, most at 75 : 35 MPC/MSC ratio

Vadalà et al. [57]RabbitNeedle StabAllogeneic bone marrow MSCsIntradiscal injection(i) No evidence of regeneration at 9 weeks on MRI
(ii) X-ray demonstrated osteophyte formation in treated discs
(iii) No cells found in NP using GFP label

Wei et al. [58]RatNilXenogeneic human bone marrow MSCs – CD34− (MSCs) and CD34+ (Haemopoeitic cells) bone marrow cellsIntradiscal injection(i) CD34− cells (MSCs) remain in NP for 42 days
(ii) CD34+ cells not visible after day 10
(iii) CD34− cells expressed CTO/collagen II or CTO/Sox-9 indicating chondrocytic phenotype differentiation
(iv) No inflammatory cells visible

Yang et al. [59]MouseAnnular punctureAllogeneic bone marrow MSCsIntradiscal injectionMSCs:
(i) Preserve NP and AF structure up to 24 weeks
(ii) Preserve disc height
(iii) PGs upregulated
(iv) Decrease in Col2a1, aggrecan and Sox9 arrested
(v) GAG/DNA increased
(vi) Underwent chondrocytic differentiation
(vii) Increased notochordal cells suggesting MSCs promote NCC survival and proliferation
(viii) Cells survive 24 weeks using GFP labelling

Yang et al. [60]RabbitNeedle puncture and nucleotomyAutologous MSCsInjection of MSCs with pure fibrinous gelatin-transforming growth factor-beta1 (PFG-TGF-beta1)(i) MSCs inhibited apoptosis
(ii) MSCs slowed the rate of loss of DHI and increased T2 signal at 12 weeks
(iii) Increased type II collagen in MSC treated group

Zhang et al. [61]RabbitNormal discsAllogeneic bone marrow MSCsInjection of LacZ labelled MSCs(i) MSCs survive in disc
(ii) MSCs increase expression of Type II collagen and PGs

AF: annulus fibrosis, DHI: disc height index, ESCs: embryonic stem cells, GAG: glycosaminoglycan content, GFP: green fluorescent protein, HA: hyaluronic acid, MSCs: mesenchymal stem cells, MPCs: mesenchymal precursor cells, NP: nucleus pulposus, NCC: notochordal cell, NPCs: nucleus pulposus cells, and PG: proteoglycans.