Research Article

Hijacking the Cellular Mail: Exosome Mediated Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Figure 3

Binding of exosomes to ECM proteins: (a) confocal micrograph showing colocalization of exosomes (immunolabeled with CD63 antibody in green) with fibronectin (immunolabeled in red) present in the ECM of HMSCs. Arrows point to areas of colocalization. Scale bar represents 10 μm. (b) Confocal micrograph showing exosomes immunolabeled with CD63 antibody bound to the ECM of HMSCs. Note the fibrillar pattern of binding indicating binding to an ECM structural protein. However, no colocalization was observed with fibronectin (immunolabeled in red) indicating the ability of the exosomes to bind multiple ECM proteins. Scale bar represents 20 μm. (c) Graphical representation of dose dependent exosomal binding to type I collagen.