Research Article

Derivation of Pluripotent Cells from Mouse SSCs Seems to Be Age Dependent

Figure 1

Number and intensity of GFP signals in the neonate and adult mouse testicular tubules (a, b) and SSC cultures (c, d) from transgenic Oct4-GFP reporter mice. (A1–A3) In the freshly dissected testicular tubules, the number of Oct4-GFP positive cells and the intensity of the Oct-GFP signal were higher and stronger in neonate mice than in adult mice >7 weeks (B1–B3). (C1–C3) Oct4-GFP positive SSCs were clearly present during initial cultures from neonate mice, while in adult mice >7 weeks SCCs Oct4-GFP signals were much weaker from the beginning (D1–D3). SSC colonies were grown on MEF feeder layers. (A1–D1) bright field; (A2–D2) green fluorescence for Oct4-GFP; (A3–D3) merged images. Scale bars: (a)–(c) 50 μm, (d) 25 μm.