Review Article

Dental and Nondental Stem Cell Based Regeneration of the Craniofacial Region: A Tissue Based Approach

Table 4

This table presents a general summary of target tissues or organs in need of superior regenerative solutions and the corresponding stem cell types evidenced with feasible regenerative potential.

Tissue/tissues to be regeneratedPromising stem cell sources to be used in isolation or conjunctionReferences

BoneBM-MSCs, ASCs, DPSCs, SHED[24, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 42, 44, 46, 49, 50, 54, 56, 6265, 7173, 78, 81, 8385, 91, 93, 94, 96, 101104, 106, 117]
CartilagePDLSCs, BM-MSCs, TMJ-SCs
ToothPDLSCs, BM-MSCs, iPSCs, and tooth progenitor cells
Oral mucosaOral mucosa stem cells and iPSCs
PeriodontiumPDLSCs and iPSCs
SkinEmbryonic MSCs, LGR 6+ SCs, PBSCs, and ASCs
MuscleMesoangioblasts, iPSCs, DPSCs, and muscle stem cells
NerveiPSCs, SHED, DPSCs, SK-mScs
CorneaLSCs, and oral mucosa epithelial stem cells
RetinaNRl rod photoreceptor progenitor cells
Salivary glandCD133/c-kit expressing SCs and ASCs
Lacrimal gland ASCs