Research Article

CD60b: Enriching Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells from Rat Development into Adulthood

Figure 2

CD60b expression in radial glial cells in the newborn brain. Confocal images of early postnatal forebrain cryosections showing the expression of CD60b (in red) and of the intermediate filament nestin (in green) in the developing cerebral cortex of P0 (a–i) and P7 (j–l) rats. The photomontage in (a–c) shows the pattern of expression of CD60b in the P0 brain. Note that the ganglioside is expressed in nestin-positive cells in the VZ/SVZ and in the proximal part of radial glial cell processes, as shown in high magnification images of P0 (d–f) and P7 brains (arrowheads (j–l)). Arrowhead in (d–f) shows an example of a radial glial cell process expressing both nestin and CD60b. In the occipital cerebral cortex, CD60b is still expressed in the distal part of a few radial glial cell processes (g–i) with 2 distinct patterns: while several processes have a punctacte expression of the ganglioside (arrowheads in (g–i)), we also observed a strong and continuous expression along other few processes (arrow in (g–i)). Scale bar: 50 μm (a–f, j–l) or 20 μm (g–i). Nuclear staining with TO-PRO-3 in blue (c, f, i, and l). VZ/SVZ: ventricular zone/subventricular zone.