Research Article

Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells from a Manifesting Carrier of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Characterization of Their X-Inactivation Status

Table 1

XIST signals on the X chromosomes in the nuclei of fibroblasts isolated from a DMD-manifesting carrier (609) and four hiPS cells induced from 609 fibroblasts (609-2, 609-4, 609S-1, and 609S-2).

Cell (counted cells)XIST (+) cellsXIST (−) cells

609 fibroblasts ()164 (97.6%)4 (2.4%)
609-2 p5 iPSCs ()114 (75.5%)37 (24.5%)
609-4 p6 iPSCs ()62 (86.1%)10 (13.9%)
609S-1 p10 iPSCs ()0 (0%)150 (100%)
609S-2 p8 iPSCs ()0 (0%)142 (100%)

N: number of cells counted; p: passage number.