Research Article

Paracrine Potential of the Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells to Modulate Balance between Matrix Metalloproteinases and Their Inhibitors in the Osteoarthritic Cartilage In Vitro

Table 1

The TaqMan Gene Expression Assays used for gene expression analysis in CE.

Gene, assay IDEncoded protein

RPS9 Hs02339424_mL40S ribosomal protein S9
B2M Hs00984230_mLBeta-2 microglobulin
HAPLN1 Hs01091997_mLHyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1
COL1A1 Hs00164004_mLCollagen type I, alpha 1
COL2A1 Hs01060345_mLCollagen type II, alpha 1
COL3A1 Hs00943809_mLCollagen type III, alpha 1
COL10A1 Hs00166657_mLCollagen type X, alpha 1
ACAN Hs00153936_mLAggrecan
MMP13 Hs00233992_mLMatrix metalloproteinase-13
SOX9 Hs00165814_mLTranscription factor SOX-9