Research Article

IFNα-Expressing Amniotic Fluid-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Migrate to and Suppress HeLa Cell-Derived Tumors in a Mouse Model

Figure 6

Reduction of tumor angiogenesis by IFNα-AF-MSCs in a mouse model. (a) Representative images of areas with the highest density of microvessels in each group. Bar, 25 μm. (b) Comparison of MVD between the different experimental groups. Error bars, standard deviation. Solid tumors in nude mice formed by 1 × 107/ml of subcutaneously administered HeLa cells were removed and processed into paraffin sections to measure microvessel density (MVD). The tumors were collected one week following the three weekly injections of 1 × 106 AF-MSCs and IFNα-AF-MSCs ( per group), and tumors from three untreated mice were analyzed as controls. Micro-blood vessels were indicated by IHC staining for CD34, and individual microvessels in at least five fields in each tumor were counted at ×200 magnification. Both isolated endothelial cells and luminal microvascular structures were considered countable vessels. .