Research Article

Quiescent Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Are More Resistant to Heat Stress than Cycling Cells

Figure 1

Accumulation of quiescent (Go/G1) cells by serum starvation. (a) Immunofluorescence assay of proliferation of quiescent serum-free cells (QC-SF), quiescent cells in 2 h after serum addition (QC-S), and proliferating cells (PC) with anti-Ki-67 antibodies. Unlike PC, only single QC-SF and QC-S are Ki-67 positive. (b) FACS assay of cell cycle distribution of QC-SF, QC-S, and PC. (c) Immunoblot analysis of cyclin A2 and p-pRb levels. (d, e) Densitometric analysis of immunoblots normalized to the GAPDH loading control. Mean ± SD of the three experiments is shown. PC difference vs QC-SF and QC-S (t-test, ). Scale bar = 50 μm.