Research Article

A Loss of Function Screen of Epigenetic Modifiers and Splicing Factors during Early Stage of Cardiac Reprogramming

Figure 3

Knockdown of Ruvbl1/Bcor/Zrsr2/Stag2 enhanced the efficiency of cardiac reprogramming from CFs. (a) Representative flow plots (left) with quantification (right) for αMHC-GFP+ and cTnT+ cells derived from ExCFs 10 days postinfection of MGT and shRNA lentiviruses as indicated. (b) Representative flow plots (left) with quantification (right) for αMHC-GFP+ and cTnT+ cells derived from fCFs 10 days postinfection of MGT and shRNA lentiviruses as indicated. (c) Representative images of ICC for αMHC-GFP+ and αActinin+ cells derived from fCFs after infection of MGT and indicated shRNAs at reprogramming day 10. (d) ICC quantification for αMHC-GFP+ and αActinin+ cells and total cells indicated by Hoechst 33342 in (c). , , , and .