Research Article

Retention and Functional Effect of Adipose-Derived Stromal Cells Administered in Alginate Hydrogel in a Rat Model of Acute Myocardial Infarction

Figure 5

Perfusion. (a) 82Rb-PET imaging of rat hearts in short axis, horizontal, and vertical view, together with a bull’s-eye plot of the entire left ventricle. In the upper panel is a sham heart, while a permanently ligated heart treated with ASCs in saline is shown in the middle (day 1 post MI) and lower panel (day 28 post MI). (b) Mean change in total myocardial perfusion for each group. Sample size for (b) and (c): sham = 2, control = 6, ASCs in saline = 8, and ASCs in alginate hydrogel = 3. values denote difference compared to sham. (c) Mean absolute change in relative segmental perfusion in the 17 AHA heart segments. PET: positron emission tomography; ASCs: adipose-derived stromal cells; MI: myocardial infarction; AHA: American Heart Association; ANT: anterior; LAT: lateral; SEP: septal; INF: inferior.