Research Article

Antiarrhythmic Effects of Carvedilol and Flecainide in Cardiomyocytes Derived from Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia Patients

Table 1

Incidence of each calcium abnormality type in all CPVT CMs after adrenaline stimulation and the percentages of these arrhythmias abolished by either carvedilol or flecainide.


CPVT CMs25%37%11%21%4%2%

MP, LP, and IP type of abnormal transients were abolished quite well by both drugs, while flecainide was superior in abolishing AL-type abnormalities. Incidence of LP and IP abnormalities was, however, low in CPVT CMs; therefore, conclusions should be made with caution.