Review Article

Unchain My Heart: Integrins at the Basis of iPSC Cardiomyocyte Differentiation

Table 1

Integrin heterodimers, extracellular ligands and downstream signalling pathways.

Integrin heterodimersLigandsPathwayRef.

Collagen receptorα1β1Collagen (IV, I, and IX)(i) RhoA/ROCK[51]
α2β1Collagen (I, IV, and IX)(i) RhoA/ROCK
(ii) YAP/TAZ
α10β1Collagen (IV, VI, II, and IX)(i) RhoA/ROCK[51]
α11β1Collagen (I, IV, and IX)(i) RhoA/ROCK

Laminin receptorα3β1Laminin (LN-511, LN-332, and LN-211)(i) RhoA/ROCK[51]
α7β1Laminin (LN-511, LN-211, LN-411, and LN-111)(i) RhoA/ROCK
α6β1Laminin (LN-511, LN-332, LN-111, and LN-411)(i) RhoA/ROCK
α6β4Laminin (LN-332, LN-511)/

RGD receptorανβ1Fibronectin, vitronectin (RGD)(i) RhoA/mDia
ανβ3Vitronectin, fibronectin, and fibrinogen (RGD)(i) RhoA/mDia
(ii) MKL-1/SRF
(Responsible for the increase in the number of FA and cell spreading areas)
[17, 18, 50, 53]
ανβ5Vitronectin (RGD)(i) RhoA/mDia
(Responsible for the increase in the number of FA and cell spreading areas)
[17, 53]
ανβ6Fibronectin, TGF-β-LAP (RGD)/
ανβ8Vitronectin, TGF-β-LAP (RGD)/
α5β1Fibronectin (RGD)In the leading edge of moving cells in the 2D surface[16]
α8β1Fibronectin, vitronectin, and nephronectin (RGD)/
αIIbβ3Fibrinogen, fibronectin (RGD)/

Leucocyte-specific receptorα9β1Tenascin-C, VEGF-C, and VEGF-D/
α4β1Fibronectin, VCAM-1 (LDV)/
α4β7MadCAM-1 (LDV), fibronectin, and VCAM-1/
αDβ2ICAM-3, VCAM-1/
αLβ2ICAM-1, ICAM-2, ICAM-3, and ICAM-5/
αMβ2iC3b, fibrinogen/
αXβ2iC3b, fibrinogen/