Research Article

Plasmatic Membrane Expression of Adhesion Molecules in Human Cardiac Progenitor/Stem Cells Might Explain Their Superior Cell Engraftment after Cell Transplantation

Figure 2

Graphical representation of upregulated GO biological processes identified by proteomic analysis in CPCs and BM-MSCs. (a) Venn diagram of data from proteomic analysis of membrane fractions, 140 proteins were expressed in CPCs, 117 were expressed in BM-MSCs, and 59 proteins were commonly expressed in both cell types. (b) Treemap diagram of biological processes overrepresented in cardiac-derived stromal cells using REVIGO webtool after proteomic analysis. (c) Dotplot representing GO biological processes overrepresented in CPCs. (d) Treemap diagram of biological processes significantly overrepresented in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells using REVIGO webtool after proteomic analysis. (e) Dotplot representing GO biological processes significantly overrepresented in BM-MSCs.