Research Article

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome Enhancement by Nicotinamide and Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide: A New Therapeutic Approach for Retinal Degenerative Diseases

Figure 5

The neuroretinal thickness and cell counts. (a) Total and INL thicknesses were significantly decreased in cultured NRs in comparison with freshly isolated NRs. The ONL thickness was significantly reduced in cultures incubated with control, 24 h-CM, aMSC-CM stimulated combined (PhC 2) with NIC+VIP, and aMSC-CM stimulated (PhC 3) with NIC. (b) Similarly, the number of ONL and INL nuclei was lower in cultured samples than in fresh ones. However, the reduction was significant only in the ONL of NRs exposed to 24-CM and in the INLs exposed to aMSC-CM stimulated (PhC 3) with NIC+VIP. (c) The number of a row of nuclei in both ONL and INL was significantly reduced relative to fresh NR. Bars represent . Statistical analysis: (a and b) Welch test with Games-Howell post hoc test ( per group); (c) Kruskal-Wallis test. , , . aMSC: adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells; CM: conditioned medium; INL: inner nuclear layer; NIC: nicotinamide; NR: Neuroretina; ONL: outer nuclear layer; PhC: pharmaceutical compositions; VIP: vasoactive intestinal peptide.