Research Article

KIF2C Is a Novel Prognostic Biomarker and Correlated with Immune Infiltration in Endometrial Cancer

Figure 1

KIF2C is highly expressed in human EC and correlated with the level of immune infiltration. (a–d) The KIF2C mRNA and protein level was upregulated in fresh EC tissue, and determined by qRT-PCR (a), WB (b, c), and IHC (d). (e) Transcriptional level of KIF2C in EC (tumor) and benign endometrium (normal) tissues from the TCGA. (f) Upregulation of KIF2C mRNA level in EC of twenty-three paired samples from the TCGA. (g) KIF2C mRNA expression mined from GEO databases (GSE17025). (h) Kaplan-Meier survival curves compare high and low expression of KIF2C for survival rate in EC. (i) Correlation analysis between immune cells and EC in TCGA. (j) KIF2C expression is correlated with the CD8+ T cell infiltration level in EC. (k) Kaplan-Meier curves compare low and high expression of CD8+ T cell infiltration level for cumulative survival in EC. T: endometrial cancer tissue; N: normal endometrium; error bars . ; ; ; .