Research Article

RAB37 Promotes Adipogenic Differentiation of hADSCs via the TIMP1/CD63/Integrin Signaling Pathway

Figure 4

Knockdown of TIMP1 compromised RAB37-mediated adipogenic differentiation. The lentivirus expressing shRNA targeting TIMP1 (lv-shTIMP1) was used to inhibit endogenous expression of TIMP1 in hADSCs-RAB37 and hADSCs-vector. Lentivirus expressing a scramble RNA (NC) was used as control. Adipogenic differentiation was evaluated by Oil Red O staining (a) (). Oil Red O-stained hADSCs in six random views were counted (b), . The expression of TIMP1 (c), PPARγ (d), C/EBPα (e), and LPL (f) were examined by qRT-PCR, . Data are presented as . ; NC vs. shTIMP1.