Research Article

Agropastoral Mobility and Rangelands Multiple Uses in the Miombo Frontier Ecozone of Tabora Region, Western Tanzania

Table 5

Logistic regression results predicting factors influencing migration of agropastoralists into frontier landscapes.

Variables in the equationEstimates
βSE WalddfSig.

Perceived degradation of rangelands1.425.4998.16214.157
Land for agriculture.03949.6311.295
Grazing land3.343.83216.121128.292
Family size.013.0092.41311.014
Local community kin ties1.091.8201.7691.1832.976

Model summary
Number of observations = 252
Overall percentage = 90.4
Model = 79.13, at ()
−2 log likelihood = 115.10
Nagelkerke squared = .754

Significance at . Source: Tabora Agropastoral Mobility Survey, 2016.