Research Article

Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant, Antiperoxidative, and Antihemolytic Properties Investigation of Three Apiaceae Species Grown in the Southeast of Morocco

Table 4

Antihemolytic activity and the membrane-stabilizing effect induced by plant extracts.

Half-time of hemolysis (min)Membrane-stabilizing effect (%)

Control142.48 ± 4.14d
Blood+ (A. graveolens) extract228.53 ± 5.08c60.39
Blood+ (C. sativum) extract247.02 ± 4.88b69.16
Blood+ (P. crispum) extract301.24 ± 5.51a111.42

Amounts are mean (n = 6) ± SE. numbers in the identical column followed by various lower-case letters (a-d) which are significantly different ().