Research Article

A Security and Efficient Routing Scheme with Misbehavior Detection in Delay-Tolerant Networks

Algorithm 3

Security and efficient routing algorithm.
(1)if  node meets node    then
(2)node triggers Algorithm 2 and detects behavior of
node ;
(3)get detection result of node from Algorithm 2;
(5)if  node is a well-behavior node and    then
(6)sorts messages by the remaining ;
(7)for  each message    do
(8)get destination node from head field of ;
(9)get of node and node
from ;
(10)if    then
(11)get copy number from head field of ;
(12)calculate using Eq. (8);
(13)forwards a copy of with copy number
to node ;
(14)updates ;
(16)if    and    then
(17)calculate of node and node ;
(18)if    and    then
(19)forwards a copy of to node ;
(21)if    then
(22)get copy number from head
field of ;
(23)calculate using Eq. (9);
(24)forwards a copy of with copy
number to node ;
(25)updates ;