Research Article

The Concept Drift Problem in Android Malware Detection and Its Solution

Algorithm 1

Training stage of the NBCS algorithm.
Input: A sequence streaming data
  , feature set used in this classifier,
  , the confidence level
  , the size of
  , the threshold used in feature selection
(1)  Init
(3) for   to   do
(4)      / the state of features, indicates that
     the observation value could not stand for
(5) end  for
(6) while   AND   do
(8)  for    do
(9)    if    then
(10)      Calculate using equation (3)
(11)     if    then
(12)      Calculate using equation (6)
(13)        if    then
(14)          / indicates that this feature will
          be used in classification /
(15)        else
(16)          / indicates that this feature does
         not pass feature selection /
(17)       end  if
(18)     end  if
(19)    end  if
(20)  end  for
(21) end  while