Research Article

An Approach for Internal Network Security Metric Based on Attack Probability

Pseudocode 1

The pseudocode of confidence analysis.
Procedure IsAvailableMonitor
Input: AO, EO
//AO - Sequence of attack evidence of a monitoring event node in the alarm log;
//EO - Attack evidence sequence of the corresponding atomic attack action
Output: The confidence value of the monitoring event node
(01) String function(AO)
(02) initialize EO
(03) A= getS(AO)
(04) t=0
(05) S=
(06) for i=1:EO.size()
(07) count=0;
(08) for j=1:A.size()
(09) n=j, m=i
(10) while (A(n)==EO(m)  &&  m<=A.size()&&n<=EO.size())
(11) count++, m++, n++;
(12) t++;
(13) S=count
(14) f=max(S)
(15) if (f>= EO.size()) return True;
(16) else return False;