Review Article

DDoS-Capable IoT Malwares: Comparative Analysis and Mirai Investigation

Listing 9

List of DDoS attack implemented by default in Mirai bot.
(34) #define ATK_VEC_UDP 0 / Straight up UDP
     flood  /
(35) #define ATK_VEC_VSE 1 / Valve Source
     Engine query flood /
(36) #define ATK_VEC_DNS 2 / DNS water torture
(37) #define ATK_VEC_SYN 3 / SYN flood with
     options  /
(38) #define ATK_VEC_ACK 4 / ACK flood /
(39) #define ATK_VEC_STOMP 5 / ACK flood to
     bypass mitigation devices /
(40) #define ATK_VEC_GREIP 6 / GRE IP flood  /
(41) #define ATK_VEC_GREETH 7 / GRE Ethernet
     flood  /
(42) //#define ATK_VEC_PROXY 8 / Proxy
     knockback connection /
(43) #define ATK_VEC_UDP_PLAIN 9 / Plain UDP
     flood optimized for speed  /
(44) #define ATK_VEC_HTTP 10 / HTTP layer 7
     flood  /