Research Article

Multiview Ensemble Method for Detecting Shilling Attacks in Collaborative Recommender Systems

Algorithm 3

The algorithm for training base classifiers.
Input: U, I, X, k, d, e, bs, q,Vdata, BsClassifier
Output: TR, Xallopt,Fpre, Vpre
1 TR←, Fpre←, Vpre←, Xallopt
2 for  p=1 to bs  do
3 UpselectProfiles(U, d)
4 TRp←getfea(Up)
5 Fprep←getClassfiersPre(Xopt, Vdata, TRp, BsClassifier)
6 FpreFpre∪pr
7 Vprep←getViewPre(Xopt,Vdata, , BsClassifier)
8 Vpre←VpreVprep
9 Xallopt←Xallopt   Xopt
10 if  p mod q=0  then
11 Xopt←constructViews(BsClassfier,X,k,Vdata)
12 end if
13 TR ←TR TRp
14 end for
15 return  TR, Xallopt, Fpre, Vpre