Research Article

Energy-Efficient Cloudlet Management for Privacy Preservation in Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks

Box 1

Specification of VM scheduling method for energy conservation.
Step1: Destination cloudlet identification. Select a certain range of cloudlets with free VMs, which form a primitive cloudlet
     collection. This collection is identified for VM migration.
Step2: Privacy-aware cloudlet confirmation. Confirm the cloudlet with the shortest data transmission time for the
    source cloudlet from the cloudlet collection obtained in Step 1.
Step3: VM scheduling strategy obtaining. Migrating the tasks to the cloudlet obtained from Step 1 and Step 2. Update
    the migration policies and the task storage records.
Step4: Idle-state detection for cloudlets. Detect the idle state of each cloudlet, and calculate the resource utilization for
    the cloudlets, which is used as the migrated standard of dynamic scheduling.
Step 5: Global VM scheduling. Based on the VM migration strategies obtained in Step 3, the dynamic VM scheduling
      strategies for all the running VMs are achieved according to the cloudlet utilization obtained in Step 4.