Research Article

An API Semantics-Aware Malware Detection Method Based on Deep Learning

Algorithm 1

Classifying an unknown sample.
Input: , (the length of sample), N (the length of the window), M (threshold for voting), C (a set of all trained model for classification)
Output: (store all API slices to be cut)
(1)function SplitWindow (, , N)
(2)  initial place in the beginning of the sample
(3)  repeat
(4)   split the sample with the solid window
(5)   move the window with a step 1
(6)  until move to the end of sample
(7)  move all API slices into
(8)  Remove duplicates
(9)  return
(10)end function
Input: (generated by Call SplitWindow ()), M (threshold for voting), C (a set of all trained model for classification)
Output: (normal or malicious)
(12)functionDECISION MAKING (, m, C)
(13)  for each do
(14)   for each do
(16)    if then
(17)     s is belong to normal slice
(18)    else
(19)     s is belong to malicious slice
(20)    end if
(21)    record the result for s
(22)   end for
(23)  end for
(26)  if then
(27)   return malicious
(28)  else
(29)   return normal