Research Article

Optimizing Computer Worm Detection Using Ensembles

Algorithm 5

Gradient boosting.

(i) input data (x, y) Ni=1
(ii) number of iterations M
(iii) choice of the loss-function (y, f)
(iv) choice of the base-learner model h (x, θ)
(1) initialize f0 with a constant
(2) for t = 1 to M do
(3) compute the negative gradient gt(x)
(4) fit a new base-learner function h(x, θt)
(5) find the best gradient descent step-size ρt  : ρt = arg
min ρ N i=1 yi, ft−1(xi) + ρh(xi, θt)
(6) update the function estimate: ft ft−1 + ρth(x, θt)
(7) end for