Research Article

Secure Information Sharing System for Online Patient Networks

Table 1


Security Manager

the group keys set of group G

the t-th group

the total number of groups in a SISS server

the master group key of group G

the j-th ciphertext-page of a member i in a group t

the total number of group G’s members

session number

the total number of ciphertext-page CP

a member i of the t-th group in the j-th session

a group session key for each member i of t-th group in the j-th session
: five subkeys for a group session key of a member i in group G

random number of member i in the j-th session

pseudonym of member i in the j-th session

hash function

the value hashed t-times for x

pseudorandom function

stereoscopic image information for 3D real model of member i in the j-th session

a rendered image of

Encryption function

Decryption function

a message