Research Article

Chebyshev Polynomial-Based Authentication Scheme in Multiserver Environment

Table 3

Notations used in the scheme [13].


Ui, Sith user, medical centre
PWi, IDi, BiPassword/identity/biometrics of Ui
p, q, Two prime numbers, finite field
EP ()EC in : y2 = x3 + ax + b (a, b ∈ ) and δ = 4a3 + 27 b2 ≠ 0
Group of points in EP ()
PBase point of with prime order q
aPPoint multiplication P
xSecret key of S (1024 bit)
Multiplicative group
h (.)Hash function {0, 1} ⟶ 
H (.)Biohashing
h1 (.)Hash function  ×  ⟶ 
⊕, ||, ENC/DECXOR, concatenation, encrypt/decrypt